Tame - Getting Started o After Tame has loaded a credit window will be displayed, press ESC or close the window... o Tame uses intuition menus in a similar way to Dpaint, in that the mouse needs to be at the top of the screen when the right button is pressed... o Select "Project >>> Auto Load Files" (or press "L") o Load "TameMaps/World00.map", because you are in autoload, you could have selected ".dat" or ".blk", it doesn't matter!!! o A map will appear!!! o You can move about the map with the cursor keys... o Pressing space will toggle between the map screen and the block screen. The block screen shows the blocks that make up the map! o Blocks can be "picked" up from either the map or block screen with the right mouse button. Moving the mouse while picking up will pickup more than one block. o Try picking up a cloud... Pressing the left mouse button puts it down on the map!!! o Press the "M" button for a magnify of the current block. There are 3 magnifies 1x1, 2x2, and 3x3, selection is automatic. o There is also a special "exclusive" feature called masking... 1. Pick up the cloud which has a grey/blue background... 2. Press the "/" key, notice that the map editor shows the transparent bits... 3. Put the cloud down, when you do this the map editor will create the extra blocks needed, you can see this on the block screen. o The attributes are to enable the games programmer to set solid bits, slopes, etc (This is within the "Specialist" menu!) o You can import/export iff's, neo's etc... 1. Go to the block screen (Space) 2. Use the cursor keys to move to a free area 3. Select "Project >>> Manual Load File(s) 4. Select a file to import (any .neo .iff etc...) 5. The file will be loaded, you will be notified of any palette conflicts, and asked if you want to remap! o The program can do various block reductions, try them out... That was just a small sample of what can be done in Tame, there are many more commands that can be used... You really should read both the ReadMe file and the Help info within the Program to find more info!